First Baptist Church of Hazel Park has a rich history deeply rooted in the history of the city of Hazel Park, Michigan.

In the fall of 1920, a visit to Hazel Park by Mr. and Mrs. Shirley of Highland Park Baptist Church led to a burden to start a Bible School to reach the community with the Gospel.
Until arrangements were made in the spring of 1921 to hold meetings in the Hazel Park Lacey School house, a small group of believers met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bland located on Yuma Street.
Attendance to the Bible School grew rapidly and by the winter of 1923 a wood framed 30’x60’ chapel was dedicated as Nine Mile Baptist Mission.
This new mission building was not to be the home of the mission for long, since on January of 1925 a devastating fire burned the entire mission building to the ground.
Once again the meetings were held in the Lacey School building until a more permanent building could be constructed. Funds were raised and in late 1925 a permanent brick building was erected along 9 Mile Road west of Berdeno Road.
With a vision for the future, the ministry of 9 Mile Baptist Mission was organized in 1926 as Hazel Park Baptist Church. The church continued under this name until 1939 when the name of the ministry was changed to First Baptist Church of Hazel Park. The name that the church carries to this day.

During his pastorate First Baptist Church of Hazel Park experienced a period of exciting growth. In order to meet the demands of this growth, bonds were sold and the church purchased its current parcel of land along Stephenson Highway.
In 1950 the cornerstone of the new church building was laid. Over the next year, construction of the new meeting place continued and was completed in 1951. In 1954, an annex building was added which housed classrooms and office space.
In 1963, a second annex was constructed which housed the gym, additional classroom space and new restrooms.
By the grace of God and generous giving by church members when the construction was complete all expenses and debts incurred were paid in full. The mortgage was burned in a celebratory service held by the congregation.

Through the years since its founding, the ministry has experience good times and lean, great growth and painful loss. Faithful older members have passed on to glory and new members have been added to the ministry. The church has seen many members go out into full time ministry around the United States and has sent out many missionaries to spread the Gospel around the world.
As we approach the 100 year anniversary of ministry in our beloved city of Hazel Park, First Baptist Church is focusing on the future and on the mission that was recognized so many years ago to reach the City of Hazel Park with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.